The Ohio River National Freedom Corridor’s
3rd Annual Regional Underground Railroad Conference
Call for Presentations, Papers, Interactive Workshops, and Exhibits
September 29-30 2017
Richmond, Indiana
Earlham College
2017 Conference Theme:
"How long, O God, how long?"
The Underground Railroad's Unfinished Business
The Ohio River National Freedom Corridor, in partnership with Earlham College, will host the 2017 Regional Underground Railroad Conference in Richmond, Indiana on September 29-30, 2017. The Ohio River corridor has a rich legacy of history in the struggle for freedom, including abolitionists, and Underground Railroad activities. However, the historical legacy of the struggle for freedom and equality in the Ohio Valley persisted well beyond the years after the end of slavery, and it continues to persist today.
With the theme of this year’s conference the Ohio River National Freedom Corridor embraces the opportunity to explore and commemorate the stories of freedom seekers and valiant people of conscience who connected the communities up and down the Ohio River during the pre-abolition and post-abolitionist periods—further revealing the historical legacy of freedom in our communities. The ORNFC increases awareness and promotes the crucial importance of this historic region, and this conference will focus on that continued mission.
The ORNFC was established to help educate the public about the historical significance of the UGRR and its historical legacy in our modern Ohio River Watershed communities. This conference will serve to enhance that mission and provide a forum to spark discussions about the connections between the countless stories, both known and unknown, and how heritage tourism can further promote the UGRR in the Ohio River corridor.
The theme for this year’s conference is: "How long, O, God, how long?" The Unfinished Business of the Underground Railroad
We invite proposals that can be classified according to two categories: 1) topics that share or enhance historical knowledge of the UGRR and/or its legacy in the Ohio River Watershed area or 2) topics that promote heritage tourism as related to the UGRR and the struggle for freedom in the Ohio River Watershed area.
History based proposals should discuss aspects of the Underground Railroad, struggles and religious motivations of anti-slavery advocates in the Ohio River Watershed area, the struggles for freedom by those directly impacted by the institution of slavery after the end of enslavement and other related topics.
Additionally, we welcome proposals which discuss the heritage tourism industry and how organizations’ community roles and needs shape the impact they have in preserving the legacy of the UGRR in local communities. We are particularly interested in proposals which discuss creative solutions to challenges in the heritage tourism industry and how technology can be used to help further promote and preserve the multitude of stories of the UGRR history and its legacy within our communities.
The Conference Program Committee welcomes proposals from a wide variety of scholars, community researchers, site stewards, educators, members of the heritage tourism industry and any others interested in the connections between the stories of the struggle for freedom, the Underground Railroad and the promotion and preservation of this historical legacy.
Presentation topics can include, but are not limited to:
With the theme of this year’s conference the Ohio River National Freedom Corridor embraces the opportunity to explore and commemorate the stories of freedom seekers and valiant people of conscience who connected the communities up and down the Ohio River during the pre-abolition and post-abolitionist periods—further revealing the historical legacy of freedom in our communities. The ORNFC increases awareness and promotes the crucial importance of this historic region, and this conference will focus on that continued mission.
The ORNFC was established to help educate the public about the historical significance of the UGRR and its historical legacy in our modern Ohio River Watershed communities. This conference will serve to enhance that mission and provide a forum to spark discussions about the connections between the countless stories, both known and unknown, and how heritage tourism can further promote the UGRR in the Ohio River corridor.
The theme for this year’s conference is: "How long, O, God, how long?" The Unfinished Business of the Underground Railroad
We invite proposals that can be classified according to two categories: 1) topics that share or enhance historical knowledge of the UGRR and/or its legacy in the Ohio River Watershed area or 2) topics that promote heritage tourism as related to the UGRR and the struggle for freedom in the Ohio River Watershed area.
History based proposals should discuss aspects of the Underground Railroad, struggles and religious motivations of anti-slavery advocates in the Ohio River Watershed area, the struggles for freedom by those directly impacted by the institution of slavery after the end of enslavement and other related topics.
Additionally, we welcome proposals which discuss the heritage tourism industry and how organizations’ community roles and needs shape the impact they have in preserving the legacy of the UGRR in local communities. We are particularly interested in proposals which discuss creative solutions to challenges in the heritage tourism industry and how technology can be used to help further promote and preserve the multitude of stories of the UGRR history and its legacy within our communities.
The Conference Program Committee welcomes proposals from a wide variety of scholars, community researchers, site stewards, educators, members of the heritage tourism industry and any others interested in the connections between the stories of the struggle for freedom, the Underground Railroad and the promotion and preservation of this historical legacy.
Presentation topics can include, but are not limited to:
- How do we tackle challenges in the Heritage Tourism Industry?
- How can we connect the stories of individual sites to the bigger picture of the UGRR story? How can we make connections between individual sites more beneficial for both?
- How did religion influence and motivate freedom seekers, abolitionists, UGRR activists in the pursuit of freedom and equality both before and after the American Civil War?
- How did geography impact the resistance in local communities?
- How does the historical legacy of the UGRR live in our communities today?
- How can we make these stories come alive and inspire our communities?
Proposals can be submitted for (1) panels of up to three individuals and a moderator on a particular theme or topic or (2) individual 20 minute presentations. Accepted Individual submissions will be placed on a panel by the Program Committee.
Conference applications will be reviewed by the 2017 Conference Program Committee.
Deadline for receipt of proposals: CLOSED
All proposals should include:
Presenters are responsible for their own conference travel, lodging, transportation, and meals.
Accepted presenters can expect to receive notification by June 30, 2017
More information about Conference Registration will be posted on the ORNFC website as it becomes available.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Greg Roberts, Director, State of Ohio, ORNFC
[email protected]
Conference applications will be reviewed by the 2017 Conference Program Committee.
Deadline for receipt of proposals: CLOSED
All proposals should include:
- Contact information including a complete mailing address, email, phone number and affiliations (if any) for each participant
- 500 word abstract for a group panel or a 250 word abstract for individual proposal
- Panel abstracts should be submitted by intended moderator & briefly identify intended panel members & their topics.
- 125 word biographical sketch for each participant.
Presenters are responsible for their own conference travel, lodging, transportation, and meals.
Accepted presenters can expect to receive notification by June 30, 2017
More information about Conference Registration will be posted on the ORNFC website as it becomes available.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Greg Roberts, Director, State of Ohio, ORNFC
[email protected]